Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Week of May 19th

Definition Project

This week you will have an opportunity to accomplish your definition project. I distributed an instruction sheet on this activity last week. Please see me if you would like to attempt something different from the options given to you on the ditto. We will be meeting in the following places this week:

Period 5 & 7: Computer Lab # 438 (Side A)

Period 9: Library (Monday & Tuesday) and #438 (Side A) the rest of the week

Please come to class prepared to work. If you are not doing an activity which requires a computer, bring in the materials you need to complete your project. You will be given daily accountability grades during this project.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Assignments for the Week of May 12th

Monday, May 12th - Wednesday, May14th -- We will be viewing the film The Pursuit of Happyness. This film fits into our definition unit. Think about how happiness is defined in this movie and the different techniques used to help with the defining of the term.

Thursday, May 15th - Issue Paper Celebration! Today is the day to hand in your issue paper. You must provide a final draft of your paper and your works cited page. Research folders are to be handed in with your paper. I will accept papers on Friday. However, you would be penalized an entire letter grade (10 points off).

We will go over the definition unit project today. Please have the What is definition? handout with you today.

Friday, May 16th - Meet me in the computer (438-Side A) lab to begin definition unit project.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Assignments for the Week of May 5th

Monday-Wednesday, May 5th-7th -- Go to computer lab (438A) to begin typing your issue paper. Please to refer to the assignment sheets and the rubric found in your folder to help you with the writing of this paper.

Thursday, May 8th -- We will be starting the Definition Unit. We will discuss the format of a definition paper and read "What is Happiness?" by John Ciardi.

Friday, May 9th -- We will begin viewing the film The Pursuit of Happyness.

Dates to keep in mind:
Issue Paper (check on progress) - Friday, May 9th
Final Issue Paper Due -- Thursday, May 15th
Progress Reports -- Friday, May 16th